Commercial vehicles from, fleets of Vans to fleets of Lorries, Plant to Trailers we have worked on them all. Our clients in this sector include The City of London, O’Donovans, Murphys & FM Conways

Our team of engineers will attend your commercial vehicles site to carry out installations to help to reduce the amount of time your working vehicles are off the road for, we understand that when a vehicle is working for you, it is important that its downtime is as limited as possible. With this in mind a team of installers can be made available during weekends to visit your site, as we tend to find this is a quieter time for commercial clients. Alternatively we also offer a service where your vehicles can visit our workshops in Welling as part of their working day to have work carried out or simply to drop the vehicle there the night before to have work carried out the next day.
Our team of installers are able to cover most parts of the UK (subject to the amount of vehicles present at locations).
From vehicles security, tracking options, camera systems, parking aids, safety additions such as beacons, lightbars, strobes, deadlocks the range is varied but offered as all part of the service by Sounds Alarming.
We have supplied and installed many systems such as the left turn alarms to ensure safety for cyclists and other road users who find them within a blind spot area or a vehicle.
We offer full warranty to all products and our installs ensuring that the work carried out for your commercial fleet will be in good hands.
To discuss your requirements please click to Contact Us
If you run a fleet of commercial vehicles and frequently visit London please check out the latest news from TFL regarding safety requirements